322271627 Routing Number.

All available information about the routing number 322271627.

This routing number is assigned to assigned to JPMorgan Chase. The 322271627 routing number is used to facilitate electronic transfers (ACH transfers) between bank accounts, and for automated payments like direct deposits and bill payments.

The 322271627 routing number is also used for Fedwire Routing between banks and financial institutions.

JPMorgan Chase uses 24 routing numbers, all for different regions. Use the search function to find all routing numbers for JPMorgan Chase Bank.

322271627 Routing Number.

FedACH Routing

Name:Jpmorgan Chase
10430 Highland Manor Drive
Tampa, FL 33610
Type:Main Office
Servicing Fed’s Main Office :121000374, Po Box 291, Minneapolis, MN
Change Date:08/24/2016


Fedwire Routing

Name:Jpmorgan Chase Bank, Na
Telegraphic Name:WASH MUT BANK
Seattle, WA
Funds Transfer Status:Eligible
Book-Entry Securities Transfer Status:Ineligible
Revision Date:11/07/2014

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