USAA Routing Number.
Everything you need to know about the USAA Routing Numbers and Incoming Wire Transfers at the USAA Federal Savings Bank.
A Routing Number is a 9-Digit number, that isalso sometimes referred to as an ‘ABA Number’ or a ‘Routing Transit Number’ (RTN).
A Routing Number is used, when ordering personal account checks, when employers set up Direct Deposits and when transfering money between financial institutions and accounts.
USAA Routing Number.
USAA Federal Savings Bank’s Routing Number (ABA number) is 314074269.
Routing numbers are used as a bank identification number and is assigned to each financial institution by the U.S. Federal Reserve.
Some banks and financial institutions have several routing numbers for different regions and types of transaction, but USAA uses only one Routing Number for all transactions.
You can also easily find the USAA Routing Number on an USAA check. It will be the number in the bottom left corner, as shown on the image below.

This Routing Number is also used for Wire Transfers at USAA. If you are looking for complete instructions for Incoming Wire Transfers, then please read on.
Incoming Domestic Wire Transfer Instructions.
If you are instructing someone to send a wire transfer to your to USAA Checking or Savings Account, then you need to provide the following information to the sender:
The name and address of the receiving bank:
USAA Federal Savings Bank
10750 McDermott FreewaySan Antonio, TX 78288
USAA Federal Savings Bank transit routing number: 314074269
The full name of the recipient (person or business)
The address of the recipient (person or business)
The account number of the recipient.
Incoming International USAA Wire Transfer Instructions.
For incoming international wire transfers to savings and checking acounts, that require a SWIFT code:
Step 1 (Receiving Bank):
Wire to: SWIFT Number: IRVTUS3N
The Bank of New York Mellon
1 Wall StNew York, NY 10286
Step 2 (1st Recipient/Recipient’s Bank):
Credit to: Account number 8900624744
USAA Federal Savings Bank
10750 McDermott Freeway
San Antonio, TX 78288
Phone 800-531-USAA (8722)
Step 3 (Final Recipient):
For Final Credit to:
Recipient’s Account Number
Recipient’s Name on Account and Recipient’s Home Address.
For incoming wire transfers that don’t need a SWIFT code:
Step 1 (Receiving Bank): Wire to: Routing Number: 314074269
USAA Federal Savings Bank
10750 McDermott Freeway
San Antonio, TX 78288
Phone 800-531-USAA (8722)
Step 2 (Final Recipient):
Credit to: Recipient’s Account Number
Recipient’s Name and the Recipient’s Home Address on the Account.
Incoming wire transfers are only accepted by USAA from Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT, excluding holidays. On a weekend or holiday, the wire transfer request will be processed on the next business day.
Please share your experiences, problems or complaints about USAA Federal Savings Bank in the comment section.