256074974 Routing Number.
All available information about the routing number 256074974.
This routing number is assigned to Navy Federal Credit Union. The 256074974 routing number is used for electronic transfers (ACH transfers) between bank accounts, and for automated electronic payments, like direct deposits and bill payments.
The 256074974 routing number is also used for Fedwire Routing for larger transactions between banks and financial institutions.
Navy Federal Credit Union use only one ABA routing number for all regions.
256074974 Routing Number.
FedACH Routing
Name: | Navy Federal Credit Union |
Address: | 820 Follin Lane Vienna, VA 22180 |
Phone: | 866-214-5220 |
Type: | Main Office |
Servicing Fed’s Main Office : | 051000033, 1000 Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta, GA |
Status: | Active |
Change Date: | 08/31/2009 |
Fedwire Routing
Name: | Navy Federal Credit Union |
Telegraphic Name: | NAVY FCU WASH |
Location: | Vienna, VA |
Funds Transfer Status: | Eligible |
Book-Entry Securities Transfer Status: | Eligible |
Revision Date: | 09/29/2014 |
For more information about the Navy Federal Credit Union wire transfer and check information, please see our Navy Federal Credit Union page.
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