111000614 Routing Number.

Everything you need to know about the routing number 11000614.

This routing number is assigned to JPMorgan Chase Bank. This routing number is used to facilitate transfers (ACH transfers) from one bank account to another bank account, and for automated payments, such as direct deposits and bill payments.

This routing number is also used for Fedwire Routing between banks and financial institutions for large amounts.

JPMorgan Chase uses 24 different routing numbers for their different regions.

111000614 Routing Number.

FedACH Routing

Name:Jpmorgan Chase
2nd Floor
Tampa, FL 33610
Type:Main Office
Servicing Fed’s Main Office :111000038, Po Box 291, Minneapolis, MN
Change Date:08/24/2016


Fedwire Routing

Name:Jpmorgan Chase Bank, Na
Telegraphic Name:JPMCHASE TEXAS
Bank One Texas, TX
Funds Transfer Status:Eligible
Book-Entry Securities Transfer Status:Ineligible
Revision Date:11/07/2014

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One Comment

  1. sent on line banking to chase bank routing number 111000614 it is in the case bank according to my bank but it is not in the persons account account is 5208xxxxx please let me know why is chase bank not putting the amount in his account? please reply thank you

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